f35188431's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bocairent, Spain

Arc de l'Aigua (Arch of the Water)

This decorative arch symbolizes the history of this medieval village but still maintains a modern purpose.
Jaén, Spain

Arab Baths of Jaén

For centuries, the largest Arab bathhouse in Spain was hidden under a palace.
Segovia, Spain

Antonio Machado House-Museum

Poet Antonio Machado's former residence offers the quintessential Castilian lifestyle of the provincial towns in the early 20th century.
Murcia, Spain

'La Sardina Encallada' ('The Stranded Sardine')

This enormous sardine in the Segura River pays tribute to an annual post-Lent tradition.
Alicante, Spain

Archibald Dickson Memorial

A monument at Alicante Marina honors a little-known hero of the Spanish Civil War.
Madrid, Spain

'El Barrendero'

This sculpture pays homage to the street sweepers of Madrid since its inauguration in 2001 in Plaza Jacinto Benavente.
Tortosa, Spain

Abandoned Gas Holder

These ruins are all that remain of Tortosa’s lost coal gas manufacturing industry.
Albacete, Spain

Albacete Fairgrounds

This uniquely shaped 17th-century structure comes alive in early September.
Albacete, Spain

Albacete Cutlery Museum

Housed in a stunning Victorian building, this museum has the largest exhibition of knives, blades, penknives, and scissors in Spain.
Alicante, Spain

Alicante Zero Level

Once used to calculate the various levels around the country.
Madrid, Spain

'La Cabina'

This phone booth was recreated to honor "La cabina," considered the best horror film in the history of Spanish television.
Pedraza, Spain

'Los Prados Gnacien' ('Gnacien Paddock')

A site outside Pedraza, Spain where a plaque tells a tale of seven-legged creatures that were said to have once lived in the area—in the fictional world of Kcymaerxthaere.
Elche, Spain

Arab Baths

Hidden underground, a remarkable 10th-century bath complex survives virtually unaltered.
Almansa, Spain

Almansa Town Hall Sculpture Garden

This impressive former palace contains a hidden gem for fans of modern sculpture.
Pasaia, Spain

Albaola Itsas Kultur Faktoria

Get a close-up look at a 16th-century Basque whaling ship at this factory and museum.
La Palma, Spain

'Los Tios'

The four-story mural is the centerpiece of a lavish hotel's lush atrium.
Madrid, Spain

Automatons of the Goyesque Carillon

This piece of early engineering is rather unknown despite its location in the heart of Madrid.
Sant Pere de Ribes, Spain

Autódromo de Sitges-Terramar

This abandoned racetrack looks like it is set to hold competitions in the apocalypse.
Cádiz, Spain

'Secondwind 2005'

An otherworldly art experience.
Badalona, Spain

Anís del Mono Factory

A bronze sculpture of a monkey sits outside this factory, which has made an anise-flavored liqueur for over 150 years.
Madrid, Spain

'Tras Julia'

Dedicated to a young woman who broke gender barriers at the University of Madrid.
Alcoy, Spain

Alcoy and Maigmó Greenways

A dictator's failed public works project has been reborn as two linked trails through spectacular scenery.
Burgos, Spain

Arco de Santa María

The most elaborate of 12 medieval arched doorways to the old city of Burgos.
Segovia, Spain

Allegory of 'The Tree of Life'

A curious memento mori hangs in the magnificent Cathedral of Segovia.