f35188431's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Reno, Nevada

Airmail Arrow

A concrete arrow from a 1920s network of airmail beacons is still preserved at the western edge of suburban Reno.
Elizabeth, New Jersey

Arthur Kill Vertical Bridge

Featuring the the longest lift span of any vertical-lift bridge in the world.
Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta Monetary Museum

It’s all about the Benjamins at this Atlanta museum with interactive exhibits.
Brooklyn, New York

Avenue H Station House

This unusual subway stop was originally a real estate office.
Tucson, Arizona

Agua Caliente Park

Previously a hot spring, this park remains a site of unique history, wildlife, and geology.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

‘Welcome to Cleveland’ Sign

This rooftop sign has been confusing Milwaukee-bound airline passengers for decades.
Nevada City, California

'Ladies of the Evening' Marker

Hidden in a hotel parking lot is a strange historical plaque erected by an obscure fraternal society.
New York, New York

7000 Oaks

Twenty-three trees, each paired with a basalt stone, line a street in Chelsea, continuing an urban project started by German Fluxus artist Joseph Beuys.
Jericho, Vermont

'Snowflake' Bentley Exhibit

Inside this old mill is a collection of images that will always remain frozen in time.
West Hartford, Connecticut

'Conny The Whale'

Journey inside the bowels of this sperm whale sculpture.
Grand Rapids, Michigan

'Forest's Rest'

On the right bank of the Grand River a plaque remembers an imaginary painter who once awaited his youth.
Andersonville, Georgia

Andersonville National Historic Site

The site of the notorious Camp Sumter Prison is now a peaceful memorial.
Arlington, Virginia

Alexander's Island Border Dispute

The Pentagon sits on a former island that was in Virginia at low tide and D.C. at high tide.
Oakland, California

'Women of the Black Panther Party'

The first mural ever dedicated to the women of the Black Panther Party.
San Juan Capistrano, California

Arroyo Bird Park

This park is home to well over 100 handmade birdhouses.
Kanab, Utah

Angels Rest

Not your typical pet cemetery.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Allegheny County Belt System

Color-coded signs direct drivers on a network of routes designed to avoid Pittsburgh traffic.
Douglas, Michigan

'New Singapore'

On the shores of Lake Kalamazoo, a plaque marks a fictional event where an island nation ran aground.
Los Angeles, California

'The History of World Commerce'

A relief that wraps around the concourse of Los Angeles's World Trade Center marks one of the city's failed urban design plans.
Kahului, Hawaii

Alexander & Baldwin Sugar Museum

Inside, visitors are treated to the rich history of sugar farming and its impact on Hawaiian society.
Winslow, Arizona

9-11 Remembrance Garden

This memorial includes fragments from one of the greatest tragedies in United States history.
Sheffield, Massachusetts

Ashley House

The former residence of Elizabeth “Mumbet” Freeman, an enslaved African-American woman who successfully sued for her freedom.
Honolulu, Hawaii

Amelia Earhart Memorial Plaque

Hiding in plane sight.
Houston, Texas

Arthur B. Cohn House

A historic, century-old house plopped along the perimeter of Houston's ballpark.