AaronNetsky's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Plougrescant, France

Castel Meur

A small house sits between two huge rocks, with its back to the sea.
Washington, D.C.

African-American Civil War Memorial

The first memorial dedicated solely to the Black troops who fought for the Union.
London, England

Traitors' Gate

The watery entrance for condemned prisoners heading to the Tower of London is still visible along the Thames.
Staten Island, New York

New York Chinese Scholar's Garden

This small and serene place for quiet reflection on Staten Island was built in China based on the gardens of the Ming Dynasty.
Goleta, California

Barnsdall-Rio Grande Gas Station

This little gem of Spanish Colonial architecture has been abandoned since the 1950s.
Dublin, Ireland

The Little Museum of Dublin

More than 5,000 artifacts donated by the people of the city, plus a room entirely devoted to the band U2.
Netzschkau, Germany

Göltzsch Viaduct

The largest brick bridge in the world.
Plymouth, Massachusetts

National Monument to the Forefathers

Plymouth's huge yet little-known memorial to the Pilgrims.
Eisenach, Germany

Wartburg Castle

The castle where Martin Luther secretly translated the New Testament from Greek to German while in hiding.
Taylor, Nebraska

The Villagers

This Nebraska town wants to double its population with plywood cut-outs of townsfolk.
South West City, Missouri

AR-MO-OK Tri-State Marker

Three markers installed over the course of 140 years mark the point where Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma converge.

Drangurinn Rock

Icelandic folklore says this giant boulder was ripped from the mountains and placed at its current location, where it became home to elves.
Kiel, Germany


The world's first and only three-segment bascule bridge folds up into the shape of a capital "N" to let boat traffic through.
Suwon, South Korea

Mr. Toilet House

The toilet-shaped house of South Korea's sanitation pioneer is now a museum to the john.
Suminoe-ku, Japan

Osaka Maritime Museum

permanently closed
An abandoned giant glass dome sits in the bay in “the Venice of the East.”
San Francisco, California

AIDS Interfaith Memorial Chapel

The first AIDS memorial chapel in San Francisco and one of only a few in the U.S.
Orange, Massachusetts

Woman's Christian Temperance Union Fountain

A remnant of the 19th-century dream to discourage people from drinking booze by offering them water.
McConnelsville, Ohio

Big Muskie Bucket

All that remains of a gigantic earth-moving machine.
Wrocław, Poland

Przejście (Passage)

A striking public sculpture representing the period of martial law in Communist Poland.
Murdo, South Dakota

Okaton Ghost Town

The deserted railroad town had a last gasp as a ghost town attraction before being abandoned for good.
Pella, Iowa

Vermeer Windmill

An Iowa town celebrates its heritage with the tallest working Dutch windmill in North America.
Oshkosh, Wisconsin

EAA's AirVenture Oshkosh

One of the largest aviation events in the world brings half a million aircraft enthusiasts to Wisconsin each year.
Sweetwater, Texas

National WASP WWII Museum

A tribute to the little-known group of women who were the first ever to fly aircraft in the U.S. military.
Bran, Romania

Bran Castle

The possible imprisonment of Vlad the Impaler here earned the medieval castle its nickname, "Dracula's Castle."