au1287's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Huntington Beach, California

Don The Beachcomber

This midcentury LA bar was the birthplace of tiki culture.
Los Angeles, California


Established in the '60s, a family-owned tropical drink bar founded by Ray Buhen, bartender to the stars.
Los Angeles, California

Clifton's Cafeteria

Giant Redwood-themed cafeteria operates under the golden rule, "Dine Free Unless Delighted."
Los Angeles, California

Bradbury Building

The legendary building that needed ghostly approval before being built.
Los Angeles, California

The Echo Park Time Travel Mart

Non-profit time travel mart sells goods you would need for a trip through the fourth dimension.
Los Angeles, California

Underground Tunnels of Los Angeles

During prohibition, corrupt city officials ran drinking dens under the streets of Downtown Los Angeles.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Museum of Death

A collection of oddities including Dr. Kevorkian's suicide device, the Thanatron.
New Orleans, Louisiana

F. Scott Fitzgerald's Boarding House

A house of courtship where the Jazz Age's most storied lovers got their start.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Cats of Jackson Square

By day this New Orleans square is for pedestrians, but by night it is a kingdom of kittens.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Séance Room at Muriel's Jackson Square

The restaurant keeps a hidden séance room on the second floor and reserves a table for the spirit of the former owner each night.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Fort Pike

Once defending the city of New Orleans from invasion by sea, this fort faces an uncertain future.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Sazerac Bar

This bar named after the world's first mixed cocktail was home to one of New Orleans' most notorious politicians.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Napoleon House

A 200-year-old building in the French Quarter that was to be Napoleon's home in the New World.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Ruins of Fort Macomb

The crumbling remains of a 19th century fortess.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Gates of Guinee

According to one local tradition, the entrance to the Voodoo underworld can be found in New Orleans through seven gates scattered throughout the city's French Quarter.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop

The second oldest continuously operating bar in Louisiana.
New Orleans, Louisiana

LaLaurie Mansion

This symbolic piece of New Orleans architecture is also home to a few ghastly stories.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1

The oldest cemetery in New Orleans, resting peacefully for over 200 years now.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Jean Lafitte's Old Absinthe House

A 200-year-old bar in the historic French Quarter refuses to give up its place in history, nor its role in securing ours.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Marie Laveau's Tomb

The final resting place of New Orleans' most famous voodoo priestess.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The New Orleans Treehouse

Site of a former hidden treehouse in New Orleans.
Seattle, Washington

The Wall of Death

A "sinister, whimsical, tacky, and really orange" public art installation hidden under a Seattle bridge.
Seattle, Washington

Neukom Vivarium

A rotting tree in the middle of Seattle doubles as an elaborately-controlled art piece.
Seattle, Washington

Gum Wall

A wall of chewing gum moonlights as collective art.