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Madrid, Spain

La Fuentecilla

This historic fountain is a favorite neighborhood meeting point.
Lisbon, Portugal

Livraria Simão

One of the smallest bookstores on the planet.
Lisbon, Portugal

Conserveira de Lisboa

The best place in the world to buy tinned fish.
Lisbon, Portugal

Livraria Bertrand

The world's oldest bookshop still in operation.
Sintra, Portugal

Pena National Palace

This unreal Portuguese palace looks as though it's made from a pile of different castles.
Sintra, Portugal

Castelo dos Mouros (Castle of the Moors)

An ancient and majestic fortress that played an integral role in Portugal's road to independence.
Lisbon, Portugal

Carmo Convent Ruins

Legacy of the earthquake that nearly wiped Lisbon off the face of the Earth.
Lisbon, Portugal

Santa Justa Lift

This Industrial Age architectural and engineering gem helps visitors and residents alike traverse Lisbon, “The City of Seven Hills.”
Madrid, Spain

Caños del Peral Archaeological Museum

This small museum tucked within a subway station holds pieces from Madrid's past.
Madrid, Spain

Muslim Walls of Madrid

Among the oldest structures in Madrid, these Moorish walls once guarded the medieval city of Mayrit.
Madrid, Spain

The Tower of the Bones

Part of the medieval watchtower is displayed in an otherwise ordinary parking garage.
Madrid, Spain

Ahuehuete del Buen Retiro ("El Abuelo")

One of Madrid's oldest trees, with a long and colorful history, resides in El Retiro Park.
Madrid, Spain

Royal Palace of Madrid Statues

After the queen of Spain had a dream where these statues fell and crushed her, they were removed from the palace and given new homes around Madrid.
Madrid, Spain

Sobrino de Botin

The oldest restaurant in the world is this old-world Spanish eatery, still known for its suckling pig.
Madrid, Spain

Secret Nun Cookies at Monasterio del Corpus Christi

Order cookies baked by cloistered nuns in a 400-year-old monastery.
Madrid, Spain

Altamira Cave Replica

A reproduction of the famous prehistoric cave paintings is hidden underground at the National Archaeological Museum.
Madrid, Spain

Guanche Mummy of Madrid

This embalmed man is one of the best preserved mummies from the Canary Islands.
Madrid, Spain

The Lady of Cerro de los Santos

This enigmatic artifact is a rare depiction of an ancient Iberian noblewoman.
Madrid, Spain

The Lady of Elche

An iconic and controversial ancient Iberian funerary urn with a hauntingly penetrating gaze.
Madrid, Spain

Bicha of Balazote

This enigmatic Iberian sculpture of uncertain origin may have once guarded a burial site.
Madrid, Spain

Costitx Bulls

These ancient artifacts are a testament to the enduring significance of the bull in Spanish culture.
Madrid, Spain

Spain's Good Luck Frog

This lucky bronze frog was gifted to Madrid by a casino.
Madrid, Spain

Casa de los Lagartos (Lizards House)

A masterpiece of Rationalist architecture in the center of Madrid with lizards on it.
Madrid, Spain

Palacio de Longoria

One of the best examples of the modernist movement in Madrid.