chloeyd's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Nye County, Nevada

Atomic Bank Vault

The contents of this safe survived a 37-kiloton nuclear bomb.
Lumberton, Mississippi

Salmon/Sterling Nuclear Tests Marker

This largely forgotten piece of Cold War history stands hidden in the woods just north of the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
New Mexico

Trinity Atomic Bomb Site

Twice a year, visitors can tour the desolate site that birthed the Atomic Age.
Fallon, Nevada

Project Shoal Site

On October 26, 1963, a 12-kiloton nuclear device was detonated here in granite some 1,211 feet below the ground surface.
Nye County, Nevada

Icecap Ground Zero

A facility built in 1992 for an underground nuclear test remains in place today.
Cairns, Australia

Cairns Library Bats

These flying foxes dangle from the trees around the library like fuzzy black fruit.
Gloucestershire, England

Woodchester Mansion

A well-studied colony of endangered bats roosts in this abandoned Victorian Gothic mansion.
Fredericksburg, Texas

Old Tunnel Bat Colony

Abandoned railroad tunnel is home to a colony of three million Mexican free-tail bats.

Nyamunini Island

This breathtaking island on Rwanda’s Lake Kivu is a haven for thousands of fruit bats.
Comfort, Texas

Hygieostatic Bat Roost

This unique tower has been home to malaria-fighting bats for 100 years.
Davis, California

Bats of Yolo Causeway

Each summer, the migratory bats living beneath the bypass form "batnadoes" at dusk.
South Pittsburg, Tennessee

Nickajack Cave

This large cave is a summer home to thousands of bats and has a rich history dating back to prehistoric times.
Austin, Texas

Congress Bridge Bats

Home to the largest urban bat colony in North America, estimated at 1.5 million bats.
San Antonio, Texas

Bracken Cave

The summer home of the largest colony of bats in the world.
Phoenix, Arizona

Phoenix Bat Cave

Thousands of Mexican Free-Tailed Bats soar around an abandoned storm drain at sunset each summer.
Shakaria, Jordan

Hejaz Railway Train of Wadi Rum

A refurbished locomotive from a bygone era in the middle of the Jordanian desert.
Province de Ouarzazate, Morocco

'The Hills Have Eyes' Gas Station

An abandoned horror film set sits eerily along a highway through Hollywood's "door to the desert."
Matmatat-Al-Qadimal, Tunisia

Matmata Underground Houses

Made famous by 'Star Wars,' these troglodyte homes face an uncertain future.
Film City, Qatar

Film City

A creepy, deserted mock Arabian village can be found in the middle of the Qatari desert.
Nye County, Nevada

Project Faultless Site

The site of an underground detonation of a megaton nuclear bomb in the middle of the Mojave Desert.
Baker, California

Travelers Monument

This large pile of traveler-curated rocks by the dry lakebed is a longstanding tradition on the Old Mojave Road.
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

Meteorite Museum (Museo del Meteorito)

A massive display of meteorites all found in the Atacama Desert.
Winterhaven, California

Old Plank Road

The remnants of an early automobile route across shifting sand dunes can still be found in the deserts of Southern California.
Nefta, Tunisia

Lars Homestead

The original movie set for the home of 'Star Wars' hero Luke Skywalker.