bribri79's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

The Wildgoose Memorial Library

A mysterious artist-run cabinet of curiosities and library.
London, England

Barbican Conservatory

This hidden green space is the city's second largest conservatory.
London, England

The House of Dreams Museum

This wildly-tiled artist's palace is a living and growing account of the creator's life, loves, and labors.
London, England

London's Original and All-Inspiring Coffee House

The site of London's first coffee house has been serving refreshments of one kind or another for 360 years.
London, England

Grant Museum of Zoology

The only university zoological museum in London houses extinct animals, bizarre natural history specimens, and a Micrarium of microscopic creatures.
London, England

Word on the Water

This 1920s Dutch barge is now a floating bookstore.
London, England

Natural History Museum of London

Eighty million natural history specimens call this gargantuan museum home.
London, England

Cecil Court

A charming 17th-century alley is lined with secondhand bookstores and antiquarian shops.
London, England

The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities, Fine Art & Natural History

This shop and gallery is a modern-day cabinet of curiosities, unassumingly positioned along an urban thoroughfare.
London, England

Twinings Tea Shop

A 300-year-old tea shop that brought tea to the English people, not to mention the Queen herself.
London, England

God's Own Junkyard

A kaleidoscopic warehouse-maze of handmade neon signs.
London, England

Leadenhall Market

This ornate Victorian marketplace was the setting for Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron in the Harry Potter films.
Dorset, England

The Scout Stone

This commemorative stone was erected near the first Scout campsite.
Bournemouth, England

Mary Shelley's Grave

The author of Frankenstein is buried here, along with her parents and the heart of her husband, the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Chartres, France

La Maison Picassiette

A mosaic-tiled house built by graveyard sweeper Raymond Isidore.
Nantes, France

l'Île de Versailles Jardin Japonais

This small island, a byproduct of 19th-century canal construction, is now home to a charming Japanese garden.
Saint-Jean-de-Boiseau, France

The Grotesques of the Chapel of Bethlehem

Do these monsters look familiar? The gargoyles on this church are all from pop culture.
Couëron, France

House in the Loire

The sunken structure looks like the victim of a catastrophic flood.
Saint-Malo, France

Rock Sculptures of Abbe Foure

Folklore and history carved into Brittany's coast.
Saint-Malo, France

Grand Bé

On this romantic tidal island reachable only at low tide the tomb of a famous French writer overlooks the sea.
Paris, France

Witch Rock of Montmartre

This oddly shaped boulder in Paris is rumored to be cursed.
Paris, France

Vaslav Nijinsky’s Grave

A melancholy jester sits on the grave of a famous 20th-century ballet dancer and choreographer.
Paris, France

Maison de la Colombe

The site where two doves fell in love.
Paris, France

Wall of The Drunken Boat

A poem by Arthur Rimbaud is inscribed on the wall of a street that, while it is only one block long, plays a key role in multiple novels.