Exploring With Derek's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Canoa, Ecuador
Places visited in Saint-Bernard, France
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Volterra, Italy

Ospedale Psichiatrico di Volterra

This real life asylum of horrors is now an abandoned ruin that hides the unbreakable code to one patient's insanity.
Trieste, Italy

Risiera di San Sabba

During World War II, this rice mill became a Nazi concentration camp.
Camerata Nuova, Italy

Camerata Vecchia

The ruins of a medieval village that was abandoned after a 19th-century inferno.
Castel di Tora, Italy

Ruins of Antuni

A semi-abandoned village destroyed by U.S. bombings during World War II dominates the valley of Turano.
Death Valley, California

Wildrose Charcoal Kilns

Ten 25-foot-tall, beehive-shaped kilns, abandoned in Death Valley.
Walnut Creek, California

The Eye of Diablo

This mountaintop beacon is only lit three times a year but shines like some kind of all-seeing eye.
Santiago, Chile

Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino (Chilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art)

This museum covers 10,000 years of Pre-Columbian Latin American history.
Salvador, Brazil

Casa Coati

This modernist building is the last remnant of an ambitious plan to restore a neighborhood.
Cleveland, Ohio

Old Cleveland Aquarium

Once home to more than 50 displays of freshwater fish.
North Berwick, Scotland

St Andrew's Kirk Ports

The ruins of the second of three churches dedicated to the saint in a touristic Scottish town.
Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland

Carrickfergus Radar Tower

An abandoned shipping control tower looks like a satellite perched at the end of a pier.
San Antonio del Tequendama, Colombia

Tequendama Falls Museum

This picturesque mansion has gone from opulent ruin to nature museum.
Cartagena, Colombia

Ábaco Libros y Café

A cozy bookstore and coffee shop in the heart of Cartagena's Old City.
Quito, Ecuador

Teleférico Quito

The gondolas let you glimpse a bird's-eye view of one of the world's highest capital cities.
Cusco, Peru


The stones of this Incan wall complex fit together so well you couldn't fit a piece of paper between some of them.
Mariscal Cáceres Province, Peru

Gran Pajaten

These delicate ruins need more tourists to keep them from fading away.
Mississauga, Ontario

Hanlan's Corner Cemetery

A Victorian cemetery hidden along a trucking route is all that remains of a 19th century village.
Coquitlam, British Columbia

Riverview Hospital

Historic psychiatric asylum and most-filmed location in the Great White North.
Saint-Chrysostome, Québec

Edwardstown Anglican Church

With the chapel itself being left to moulder, the cemetery of this abandoned church might be the freshest part.
Manchester, Connecticut

Union Pond Mill

An abandoned Victorian-era mill in the middle of modern Manchester.
Boston, Massachusetts

Brook Farm

Site of a famous 19th-century transcendentalist utopian community, now abandoned.
West Boylston, Massachusetts

Old Stone Church

The only surviving building of historic West Boylston, which was flooded to create the Wachusett Reservoir.
San Agustín Etla, Mexico

La Planta (Power Plant)

Pause in an abandoned hydroelectric station, now overrun with wildlife, to consider a thought-provoking poem.
Yazd, Iran

Zoroastrian Towers of Silence

Putrefaction plateaus in Iran, where the dead were sent for decontamination before going to their final resting place.