TownTactics's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Northern Ireland
Places added to Northern Ireland
Places edited in Larne, Northern Ireland
Places edited in Northern Ireland
Places edited in Isle of Man
Places visited in Ballasalla, Isle of Man
Places added to Belfast, Northern Ireland
Belfast, Northern Ireland

The Bear Pit

Once home to a local bear named "Bruno."
Ballasalla, Isle of Man

Rushen Abbey

Centuries after this 12th-century abbey had fallen to ruin, it became known for the strawberries and cream served in its gardens.
Rathlin Island, Northern Ireland

The Writers Chair

Designed to inspire artists visiting the island.
Whitehead, Northern Ireland

The Railway Preservation Society of Ireland Museum

Dedicated to preserving railway history from across Ireland.
Dalby, Isle of Man

Niarbyl Bay

The name Niarbyl means “the tail” and refers to the rocky formations that push out into the Irish Sea.
Ards and North Down, Northern Ireland

Ballycopeland Windmill

The last working windmill in Northern Ireland.
Ballyhalbert, Northern Ireland

Burr Point

The easternmost point on the island of Ireland.
Larne, Northern Ireland

Richard Hayward Mural

The artwork immortalizes one of 20th-century Ireland's leading creatives.
Larne, Northern Ireland

Madman's Window

It is said a heartbroken man visited the gap every day to stare blankly out at the sea.
Dublin, Ireland

Phil Lynott Statue

A statue in the center of Dublin dedicated to one of their favorite sons of rock & roll.
Dublin, Ireland

Dublin's Garden of Remembrance

Amidst the bustling streets of Dublin, there is a hushed garden that is dedicated to "All those who gave their lives in the cause of Irish Freedom."
Dublin, Ireland

The Hungry Tree

An 80-year-old plane tree is devouring an iron bench at Ireland's oldest law school.
County Antrim, Northern Ireland

Torr Heads Ruins

Beautiful scenery provides the backdrop for an abandoned coastguard facility.
Mid and East Antrim, Northern Ireland

WWII Royal Air Force Crash Sites

This memorial site offers scenic views and a peaceful place for reflection.
Larne, Northern Ireland

Larne Jaunting Car Sculpture

These vehicles were once a regular sight traveling up the Antrim Coast Road from Larne.
Cushendall, Northern Ireland

Layd Church Ruins

The father of Belfast medicine is buried in the graveyard of this 13th-century church, which now lies in ruins.
Cullybackey, Northern Ireland

Arthur Cottage

The ancestral home of the 21st president of the United States of America.
Portaferry, Northern Ireland

Tullyboard Windmill

This windmill was used for well over a century.
Cushendun, Northern Ireland

Cushendun Caves

400 million years of erosion shaped these fascinating seaside caves, which made an appearance on 'Game of Thrones.'
Rushen, Isle of Man

Sir William Percy Cowley Memorial

On the southwestern tip of the Isle of Man, a stone monument to one of the island's great conservationists.
Douglas, Isle of Man

Groudle Glen Water Wheel

This Victorian water wheel is affectionately nicknamed "Little Isabella."
Rushen, Isle of Man

Thousla Cross

This concrete memorial commemorates a group of brave locals who saved the crew and passengers of a wrecked ship.
St. John's, Isle of Man

Tynwald Hill

Believed to be the former location of one of the earliest Viking assemblies in Europe.
Rushen, Isle of Man

The Chasms

This unique rock formation has become a popular walking trail.