Guthbrand's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Guthbrand's activity rankings
Places visited in Solvang, California
Places added to Flåm, Norway
Places visited in Pacific Grove, California
Places added to Stavanger, Norway
Places visited in Monterey, California
Places visited in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California
Places added to Norway
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Ohrdruf, Germany

The Living Fence

Made from trees and then abandoned, this fence is still growing along a path in Germany.
Bingen, Germany


The many—66 to be exact—faces of the German forest.
Lübeck, Germany

Astronomical Clock at St. Mary's Church

A stunning two-story timepiece within a medieval Brick Gothic church.
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

Castle Werdenfels

The stones of this formerly witch-obsessed castle were used to build a church.
Regensburg, Germany

Wurstkuchl (Sausage Kitchen)

This riverside restaurant has been serving customers since 1146.
Quedlinburg, Germany

Quedlinburg Abbey

The medieval institution is home to the precious treasure stolen in World War II in one of the greatest art thefts of the 20th century.
Bad Schandau, Germany

Art Nouveau Elevator

An ornate century-old elevator still connects the two halves of Bad Schandau.
Metten, Germany

Baroque Library of Metten Abbey

This 8th-century Bavarian monastery is home to an exquisite Baroque-era library.
Nördlingen, Germany


A meteorite-bounded town in Bavaria.
Ulm, Germany

Ulm Minster (Ulmer Münster)

The world's tallest church tower reveals a spectacular view to anyone up to the task of climbing the daunting staircase.
Munich, Germany


A fearsome dragon clings to a corner of Munich's city hall.
Wunsiedel, Germany

Luisenburg Rock Labyrinth

Money made from smuggling sugar helped create this wondrous rock maze in honor of the Prussian Queen Louise.
Worms, Germany

Jewish Cemetery in Worms

The oldest Jewish cemetery in Europe survived Hitler's Germany.
Wonsees, Germany

Sanspareil Rock Garden

These 18th century gardens tell a rocky story of the son of Odysseus.
Darmstadt, Germany

Russian Chapel in Darmstadt

The last Tsar of Russia constructed this private church just so he could attend services when visiting his wife's hometown.

Nimrod Fortress

Named for the biblical warrior, the largest castle in Israel actually dates to the Middle Ages.
Dover, England

Bronze Age Boat

One of the oldest seagoing boats in the world can be found at the Dover Museum.
Rocca di Papa, Italy

Via Sacra

This ancient trail climbs the mountain where a Latin League cult worshipped Jupiter, its main deity.
Bollengo, Italy


An abandoned bell tower in the middle of nowhere is the last testimony of a forgotten medieval village.
Genoa, Italy

Genoa Cathedral

This cathedral hides a sculpted dog that determines your fate and an unexploded shell from World War II.
Barumini, Italy

Su Nuraxi di Barumini

This one-of-a-kind archeological site is home to strange prehistoric ruins, the original use of which is still a mystery.
Stelvio, Italy

Stelvio Pass

One of the highest mountain passes in Europe has been ranked among the best driving roads in the world.
Romeno, Italy

San Romedio Sanctuary

A stunning hermit's shrine on a steep rocky spur in Northern Italy.
Castellana Grotte, Italy

Castellana Caves

The sunlight passing through the opening of this huge cave system creates a magical effect.