karlymcc99's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Fallon, Nevada

Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge

The sump of the landlocked Carson River is a haven for wildlife.
Carson City, Nevada

Nevada State Museum

The museum is housed inside the historic 1863 Carson City Mint.
Redding, California

Sundial Bridge

This ultra-modern California span is actually a titanic solar clock in disguise built by famed architect Santiago Calatrava.
Auburn, California

Foresthill Bridge

The tallest bridge in California was constructed for a project that was eventually cancelled.
Tulelake, California

Lava Beds National Monument

Trails through lava-carved tube-caves display sparkling bacteria and a rich history.
Sponsored by Visit California
Virginia City, Nevada

Ponderosa Saloon

Beneath a Virginia City bar is the entrance to an abandoned gold mine.
Virginia City, Nevada

Piper's Opera House

Back in the day everyone who was anyone played this historic western theater.
Virginia City, Nevada

Red Dog Saloon

A Wild West saloon that helped define a generation of psychedelic rock.
Virginia City, Nevada

Comstock Cemeteries

These once-beautiful historic graveyards are set against the barren Virginia City hills.
New Washoe City, Nevada

Bowers Mansion

Historic home to one of the most famous women pioneers of the 19th century.
Sparks, Nevada

Scheels Sporting Goods

Curiously, this large sporting goods store features 14 wax representations of American presidents.
Sparks, Nevada

Last Chance Joe

The colossal cartoon man stands outside a Nevada museum.
Reno, Nevada

Natural Selection

This mother-daughter run curiosities shop is a beautifully odd mix of taxidermy and exotic plants.
Reno, Nevada

Guardian of Eden

This 18-foot-tall steel lotus is a meditation on ecological crisis that originally appeared at Burning Man.
Reno, Nevada

Dymaxion Car at the National Automobile Museum

The only surviving prototype of Buckminster Fuller's revolutionary car.
Reno, Nevada

Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts

An iconic 1960s theater with a Buckminster Fuller-style geodesic dome.
Reno, Nevada

Old Reno Arch

The arch that celebrated the completion of the Lincoln and Victory highways.
Reno, Nevada

Space Whale

What began as a prominent Burning Man art piece is now an iconic symbol of downtown Reno.
Reno, Nevada

Topsy the Clown

This beloved roadside attraction welcomes visitors with his signature neon smile.
Reno, Nevada

Keck Museum

The original building of a mining school endowed by one of the barons of the Comstock Lode now houses a museum of earth science and mining history.
Reno, Nevada

Wilbur D. May Museum

An eccentric millionaire's personal curio collection includes at least one shrunken head.
Verdi, California

Crystal Mine

A mine in the Sierra Nevada that produced nothing but barren quartz.
Reno, Nevada

Pyramid Lake

This Nevada lake holds its titular natural pyramid and, if the legends are true, a number of dangerous spirits.
Sierra City, California

Sierra Buttes Lookout

A fire lookout atop a glacial pinnacle is reached by climbing three vertiginous flights of stairs.