pierrehinard59's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Bayeux, France
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Naples, Italy

Church of Santa Luciella ai Librai

An unusual "skull with ears" sits in the crypt of this small church tucked away at the end of a narrow alley.
Battaglia Terme, Italy

Castello del Catajo

Known as the Royal Palace of the Euganean Hills, this often overlooked castle has been home for multiple noble families over the centuries.
Arezzo, Italy

Theatrum Mundi

This 21st century cabinet of curiosities includes dinosaur bones, moon rocks, film memorabilia, and more.
Venice, Italy

Torcello Bell Tower

Stare out over the lagoon and beyond from this 10th-century campanile on the island where the city of Venice began.
Nardò, Italy

Monteruga Ghost Town

A fascist-era rural village abandoned since the early 1980s.
Pavia, Italy

Anatomical Theatre at the University of Pavia

This 18th-century dissection theater's frescoes display a gorgeous tension between the terrestrial and esoteric.
Rome, Italy

Arch of the Argentarii

This ancient Roman arch misled treasure hunters for centuries.
Carpello, Italy

Lake Posta Fibreno

This serene, turquoise lake in an extraordinary nature reserve showcases a rare natural phenomenon.
Muggia, Italy

Bagno Della Polizia

These pools have been abandoned for over 20 years.
Palermo, Italy

Porta Nuova

This triumphal 16th-century arched gateway leads to the oldest street in Palermo.
Naples, Italy

MUSA Anatomy Museum

This Neapolitan exhibition hall grants weird and wonderful insight into the intricacies of human biology.
Milan, Italy

War obelisk in Milan

Remnants of cone-shaped fascist bomb shelters in Milan.
Ravenna, Italy

Basilica of San Vitale

This 6th-century church has the largest and best-preserved collection of Byzantine mosaics outside Constantinople.
Torre Annunziata, Italy

Ruins of Oplontis

Buried next to Pompeii, this lesser-known Roman villa was the opulent vacation home of Emperor Nero's wife.
Volterra, Italy

Cimitero di San Finocchi

Abandoned cemetery of the former Psychiatric Hospital of Volterra.
Monselice, Italy

Church of San Giorgio

This Italian church is as beautiful as it is common, except for the real skulls decorating the many mannequins inside.
Castellana Grotte, Italy

Castellana Caves

The sunlight passing through the opening of this huge cave system creates a magical effect.
Rimini, Italy

House of the Shells

One Italian taxi driver covered his entire house in small seashells creating a weird bit of architecture that is preserved to this day.
Pietranera, Italy

Colonia di Rovegno

The now-abandoned Fascist summer colony served a dark purpose during World War II.
Rome, Italy

Mirabilia Gallery

A wunderkammer of curious objects and intriguing art nestled within a hub of ancient Roman sites.
Rome, Italy

Triangolo Barberini

An abandoned 17th-century baroque hunting lodge with a wonderfully strange architectural plan.
Vigevano, Italy

Cathedral of St. Ambrose

The Cathedral of St. Ambrose has been hiding a special parishioner within its walls.
Chiavari, Italy

Colonia Fara

This former fascist summer camp was abandoned for decades.
Messina, Italy

The House of Cavaliere

An eccentric home in Sicily turns heads on a regular basis.