pierrehinard59's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Bayeux, France
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Oviedo, Spain

The Green Skeleton

This Bronze Age man spent millennia buried in a mine, giving his bones an eerie hue.
Casabermeja, Spain

Millennial Olive of Arroyo Carnicero

This surreal-looking tree pruned more than 1,000 years ago is still producing olives for oil.
Tarragona, Spain

Roman Circus and Praetorian Tower

Long tunnels run under the ancient chariot racing circuit to the tower.
Salamanca, Spain

Documentary Center of Historical Memory

An unusual but excellent display created in the 1930s as propaganda against the Freemasons.
Fábrica de Orbaitzeta, Spain

Munitions Factory of Orbaitzeta

Abandoned 18th century weapons factory in the Aezkoa Valley.
San Martín de la Virgen del Moncayo, Spain

Abandoned Agramonte del Moncayo Tuberculosis Sanatorium

The deserted remains of a luxury hotel turned hospital ward.
Sax, Spain

Colony of Santa Eulalia

An abandoned socialist utopia built in the late 19th century.
Sant Adrià de Besòs, Spain

Tres Xemeneies (Three Chimneys)

The unexpectedly beloved remnants of a controversial thermal power plant.
Cabezón de la Sal, Spain

Bosque De Secuoyas (Redwood Forest)

An out-of-place grove of sequoias thrives in northern Spain.
Piera, Spain

Temple dels Homes

An ornate tower shows off a local artist's architectural flair.
Asturias, Spain

Holy Cave of Covadonga

A historic Christian shrine nestled within a spectacular natural cave.
Navajas, Spain

Salto de la Novia

Translating as "The Jump of the Girlfriend," this stunning waterfall has a tragic legend behind it.
Vistabella, Spain

Església de Vistabella - Vistabella Church

A modernist church in an ancient village.
Madrid, Spain

Guanche Mummy of Madrid

This embalmed man is one of the best preserved mummies from the Canary Islands.
Palma, Spain

Miquel Barceló Installation in the Cathedral of Santa Maria de Palma

A contemporary art installation housed within a Gothic cathedral.
Cabanas, Spain

Fragas do Eume

This enchanting natural park is a magical example of a temperate rainforest in Europe.
Ronda, Spain

Central Electric Ruins

The hidden ruins of an old hydroelectric plant reclaimed by nature.
Aranda de Duero, Spain

Bodegas of Aranda de Duero

A network of hundreds of interconnected wineries in caves hides under the town center.
Marinaleda, Spain


A micro-communist utopia in Spain with no police, no mortgages and full employment.
Vilaplana, Spain

La Mussara

Now a pile of ruins and rubble, this was a lovely mountain town as recently as 1960.
Madrid, Spain

Frontón Beti-Jai

Stuck in the middle of a modern Madrid city block are the remains of a 19th century sports complex.
Asturias, Spain

Villa Excelsior

An abandoned Indian-inspired mansion.
Cabezuela del Valle, Spain

Los Pilones

Blue-green pools and smooth stones comprise one of Spain’s most idyllic hidden wonders.
Campanet, Spain

Ses Fonts Ufanes

This "flat geyser" bubbles up out of the ground periodically like a disappearing river.