marwagswag's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Breckenridge, Colorado

Breckenridge Snow Sculptures

Each year, teams of the world's best snow sculptors have 65 hours to create frozen masterpieces.
Westcliffe, Colorado

Smokey Jack Observatory

Located in the world's highest-altitude Dark Sky Community, this observatory welcomes amateur and professional astronomers alike.
Gypsum, Colorado

Dotsero Crater

Colorado's only active volcano last erupted around 4,000 years ago.
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Glenwood Hot Springs Pool

Take a dip in the world's largest mineral hot springs pool.
Ouray, Colorado

Box Canyon Falls

A glimpse of a waterfall is reached by a steel catwalk along a slot canyon located in an Ouray city park.
Grand Junction, Colorado

Rattlesnake Canyon Arches

This remote Colorado canyon is home to the second-largest collection of natural arches in the world.
Mack, Colorado

A Trail Through Time

This interpretive path lets you get up close and personal with dinosaur bones.
Monticello, Utah

Home of Truth

This ghost town was once a cult-like religious utopian settlement.
Monticello, Utah

Church Rock

Oddly shaped rock formation, misassociated with a nearby utopian community.
Lake Powell, Utah

Cathedral in the Desert

The damming of the Colorado River buried an iconic geologic formation before record-breaking drought brought it back.
Navajo Mountain, Utah

Rainbow Bridge National Monument

This magnificent natural sandstone bridge is one of the largest in the world and is an iconic symbol for Lake Powell.
Richfield, Utah

Pando, the Trembling Giant

One of the world's oldest and most massive living organisms is a grove of quaking aspens.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Cinder Lake Crater Field

An artificial crater field that trained astronauts for lunar exploration.

Don Juan Pond

Scientists use one of the saltiest bodies of water on Earth as a terrestrial base for studying water on Mars.
Thompson, Utah

Sego, Utah

A ghost town that held steady longer than most, but finally gave up the ghost.
Green River, Utah

Elgin Cemetery Sentimental Statues

A cemetery full of touching tombstones from a community of railroad workers, uranium miners, and Cold War missile launchers.
Moab, Utah

Tusher Tunnel

A crack flared at the base provides a pathway completely through a sandstone ridge near Moab.
Marble Canyon, Arizona

White Pocket

This mesmerizing and surreal landscape features intricate patterns of white and red sandstone.
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin

Lost Canyon

This steep-walled ravine contains animal-shaped formations made from sandstone.
Thompson Springs, Utah

Sego Canyon Rock Art

Thousands of years ago, Indigenous people painted images onto these canyon walls that are still on display today, provocative, mysterious, and enduring reminders of the people who lived here long ago.
Moab, Utah

Gemini Bridges

It's safe—and permitted—to walk across these twin natural sandstone arches.
Moab, Utah

Potash Evaporation Ponds

Few things look more out of place than the electric blue ponds in the reddish-brown desert of Utah.
Moab, Utah

Mill Creek

A small oasis not far from downtown Moab.
Moab, Utah

Potash Road Rock Art Site

This site is home to ancient petroglyphs and pictographs dating back to 6,000 B.C.